Heya, I'm Megan Davis
I'm a Data Scientist / Performance Engineer with over 5+ years of operational experience. My goal is to create easy-to-use solutions that help reduce toil for everyday technicians.
In my free time you'll catch me dabbling with website and videogame development. You can catch my ramblings about these topics on my blog or checkout my previous projects.
01 Nov 2023
Setting Game Mode and PlayerController with C++In this walkthrough we’re going to be setting up a new GameMode with a new PlayerController using C++. Since this is a simple example the only functionality we’re going to code for is a simple keypress to test....
31 Aug 2021
Videogame Text Dataset ReleaseIn 2016 I released LibraryofCodexes, a website that aimed to gather videogame text into one uniform place (think in-game notes, books, letters, audio recordings etc). This was because I found that I was too engaged in finishing a quest or killing a monster to take the time to read it, and while wikis existed they can sometimes be tedious to navigate...